~Another Rule of 9

A system for deciding whether to pass or bid after partner has made a reopening double. Partner may reopen with a double when holding one or two cards in the opponent’s suit, even if the hand is not perfect for a takeout double. Partner should NOT make a reopening double when holding three or more cards in the opponent’s suit unless holding substantial extra values.

After the reopening double, you bid or pass based on the Rule of 9: add (1) the level of the contract, (2) the number of cards in the opponent’s suit, (3) the number of honor cards in the opponent’s suit (the 10 is an honor card), and (4) the number of As and Ks outside the trump suit. If the total is nine or more, PASS; otherwise, bid.

Partner RHO You LHO
1H P P 3D
Dbl P ?

Your hand
S 763
H 76
D JT65
C Q876
# of cards—4
# of honors—2
Your total = 9, so pass

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