~Bergen Raises

This system applies when partner opens one of a major and you hold 4-card support. Bid
~3C with a Constructive Raise–about 6-9 HCP or 8-10 total points.
~3D with a Limit Raise: 11-12 total points.
~Three of the major for a Weak Raise–too weak for 3C and preemptive. This bid is the heart of Bergen Raises and is based on the Law of Total Tricks. If you cannot make nine tricks holding nine trumps, the opponents will have a part score or game.

3NT over a major suit opener shows a full opener with exactly three trumps and 4-3-3 shape in the other suits.

2 Responses to “~Bergen Raises”

  1. John Says:

    Is there a rule of thumb, that preemptive hands should contain 2 of the top 3 honors, or 3 of the to 5?

  2. John Says:

    Should/Could you use Bergen Raises when partner opens in 3rd or 4th seat?

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