~2/1 Bidding System Intro

2/1 is not a convention, but a style of bidding, a starting point from which basic bidding concepts are matched with certain of a myriad of conventions to form a bidding system. Some people consider 2/1 vastly different from Standard American and only play certain portions of 2/1; however, 2/1 should be played as a complete unit. Played in this manner, 2/1 is a superior method of bidding than is Standard American. The components of 2/1 are
~5-card majors (at all times).
~Forcing 1NT over major-suit openers by an un-passed hand.
~A two-level bid in a lower-ranking new suit by an un-passed hand after a major-suit opener is always forcing to game.
~Constructive single level major raises show 8-10 points and 3-4 trumps.
~Limit major raises show 11-12 points and 4-card support.
~Jacoby 2NT with 13+ points, 4+ trumps, and no splinter or 5-card side suit.
~Splinter bids—4+ trumps and 13+ points—double jump shift.
~Weak jump shifts at all times or just in competition?
~System reverts to Standard American in competition.
~1D-2C: game force or showing 11+ HCP and initiates a structured search for a 3NT contract?
~Certain conventions that complete the 2/1 bidding system, such as New Minor Forcing and Fourth Suit Forcing.

No bidding system is foolproof; however, if  bid with discipline, the 2/1 system will improve any bridge player’s bidding. Follow the rules, but remember that bridge judgment cannot be legislated; develop a sound system of bidding and develop your judgment through study and experience. Each partnership should add those conventions to their basic 2/1 bidding system that allow either partner to show weak, intermediate, or strong opening or support hands. The purpose is to improve the competitive bids and the game tries. Some of the conventions and techniques shown below are based on this approach.

Once you add those conventions and techniques which you and partner like to the 2/1 bidding system, you have developed your personal bridge system. Your bridge system should include your offensive and defensive bids, your defensive carding, and your leads.





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